My recent desktop app

I have been working so long for a demanded desktop application. And today I have finished it. This app is for the commercial use. I named it as “Excel to XML for Tally”. Researching it i have used OpenXML SDK 2.5 to complete this project. Using C#.NET in visual studio, working with the resource file I completed this task of me.

This app lets you to convert the excel file into tally voucher which could be easily uploaded into “Tally”. As far as I know i have been working it on 15 days. This app works on .NET 4.5 environment to install. It was a tough task for me to make the exact sample of the XML file that was handed to me. In order to install this desktop app, you need .NET 4.5 framework installed in your machine.

I am now working it to run on the older version of framework in windows. I am also working now on the licensing part to which i could make it more commercial. Hope I will be able to make it proprietary.

Excel Survey in Skydrive

Well, here comes the new feature of Skydrive that created the survey. In this new feature it becomes easy to collect the data and save it directly to the excel web app. Previously it was very a complex task to collect the data and enter it manually. But not now, this feature of excel web app helps to collect the data from the user directly.

How to create the survey form?

  • The first thing we need is the Outlook or Hotmail or any of the Microsoft accounts.
  • Once you have this, logon to the Skydrive using this account.


  • click on the survey and go to “Excel Survey”.
  • Name that survey.


  • Once you name the survey and click on create, you will be switched to the excel web app form design.


  • Design the form, you can have it by clicking the button you see there  as shown below


  • after you design the form you can see the button below like this


  • “Share survey” will help you sharing the survey form creating the link (If done for the first time).
  • “Share and view” will help you creating the link if used for the first time and viewing the preview.
  • and “Cancel” will help to close the design.

Now create the excel survey and make your task easy and paperless.

Happy Surveying! Smile

Fly in the sky with Skydive

Many of us (using Microsoft account) are unknown about the Skydrive. In fact they rather check their emails. These days social networking are more popular, making accounts for social networking is common practice. But there is also more features, which I think user must know. One of the features is ‘Skydrive’. This is the cloud storage provided by Microsoft for every accounts, which is normally 7 GB in size. Moreover storing capacity it also allows to share the storage as seen in pc. One of the most cool feature, I found is one can share their works online. Sending invitation and working on group is the cool feature I just appreciate.

This is also helpful when you do not have office installed. One can have access to web app of office package which includes, Microsoft Word, Excel workbook, Powerpoint presentation and Onenote notebook. Its simply good. I encourage every readers to have a look at Skydrive.